BCH Mindfulness Path
A BRC Centennial Project
BCH Della Cava Family Medical Pavilion Courtyard
As one of the projects celebrating Boulder Rotary Club’s Centennial year, the club chose to create a Mindfulness Path at Boulder Community Health’s new Della Cava Pavilion.
The Della Cava Pavilion represents an expansion of BCH’s commitment to behavioral wellness: it includes a larger behavioral health wing than the hospital previously had and it features architectural design that is conducive to mental health; it also includes space for outpatient mental health services. By creating the Mindfulness Path, BRC is supporting mental health in the community.
The Mindfulness Path will be located within the Foundry Garden, which is in a courtyard just outside of the Della Cava Pavilion. The path will feature about six curving stone benches placed along a path within the garden, and chiseled into each bench will be a quote selected by Boulder Rotarians to encourage mindfulness practice.
This emphasis on mindfulness was chosen because mental health professionals increasingly see the benefit of mindfulness for everybody. The Mindfulness Path will be created with a $50,000 contribution to BCH from Boulder Rotary and will open in the summer of 2019.