On Monday, May 14, the Boulder Rotary Club and the Boulder Valley Rotary Club collaborated to put on a very successful event: the Colorado District Two Congressional Forum. This was the only time that all five candidates were available to answer questions together.

The candidates are:

Roger Barris, Libertarian
Nick Thomas, Independent
Joe Neguse, Democrat
Mark Williams, Democrat
Peter Yu, Republican

Kit Hollingshead and Karl Kurtz were the Moderators, Fred Hull provided excellent camera work and graphics, Gary Kahn live-streamed the event on Zoom, Geoffrey Wheeler was our impeccable timer, Constance Holden dreamed up the project and shepherded it through myriad hoops, made hotel arrangements, helped satisfy A/V requirements, etc., and Maryan Jaross got the word out to the media and public through numerous Facebook pages, the Daily Camera and KGNU.

We had over 200 people and got front page news coverage of the event in the Daily Camera. The audio feed will be played on KGNU and the audio/visual should appear on Channel 8, thanks to our wonderful technical staff of Gary Kahn and Fred Hull. KGNU and Channel 8 will stream the event if you missed it so please check their calendars.

Neguse’s campaign manager mentioned that our Rotary forum was the best of them all, had the best range of questions, and was the most professionally managed. Because that was our goal from the beginning, we are proud to hear that was the perception.

To see a streamed version of the event, click here. To view the Daily Camera article, click here.


[Learn more about the Boulder Rotary Club.]