by Boulder Rotary Club | Oct 2, 2018 | BRC100
* Reported by John Schoolland Boulder did not “just happen,” said Schoolland. Its future was envisioned by its early leaders. Struck with the potential of the area, the climate, the beauty of the setting, the natural resources, they envisioned a community that would...
by Boulder Rotary Club | Sep 25, 2018 | BRC100
Much of the material you have been hearing in these vignettes about the early history of Boulder Rotary has come from reporting done by two men over the first 50 years of its existence. I’d like to tell you about them. Frederick O. “Rep” Repplier was the first....
by Boulder Rotary Club | Sep 17, 2018 | BRC100
* As reported by F.O. “Rep” Repplier in 1956 and John B. Schoolland in 1969. The First and Second World Wars had a great impact on the Club. As mentioned before, World War I had just ended when Boulder Rotary was founded. In 1920, a meeting on Nov. 12 was devoted to...
by Boulder Rotary Club | Sep 11, 2018 | BRC100
* As reported by John B. Schoolland in 1969. It wasn’t until around 1987 that women were actually able to become Rotarians. Before that, the all-male clubs referred to their spouses as Rotary Anns. Get it? John B. Schoolland, writing in 1969, gushed, “Our Rotary Anns...
by Boulder Rotary Club | Aug 23, 2018 | BRC100
* As reported by F.O. “Rep” Repplier in 1956 and John B. Schoolland in 1969. This club has always been proud of our membership, with leaders in professional, business, and community activity. The club’s weekly programs have been of a caliber that many large city clubs...
by Boulder Rotary Club | Aug 16, 2018 | BRC100, Community Events
* As reported by F.O. “Rep” Repplier in 1956. We’ve already heard about the fly traps that were an early project of Boulder Rotary. Just as we do now, Rotarians took an active role in helping the community. Some club projects in the early days included: Building a...
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