BRC History: Club Meeting Sites

BRC History: Club Meeting Sites

* As reported by F.O. “Rep” Repplier in 1956 and John B. Schoolland in 1969. The club, described as “peripatetic,” frequently changed its meeting places over the years, based on a number of factors including the expanding size of the group. For many years meetings...
BRC History: Rotation Days

BRC History: Rotation Days

* As reported by F.O. “Rep” Repplier in 1956 and John B. Schoolland in 1969 As we did just a few weeks ago, from the early days Rotary often “rotated” meetings at members’ and others’ places of business. “Once we had a regular luncheon meeting deep in the Black...
Boulder in 1919: Transportation

Boulder in 1919: Transportation

* As reported by F.O. “Rep” Repplier in 1956 Getting to Denver was even more complicated in 1919 than it is now, but with less traffic. For years, the businessmen of the Rotary Club, many of whom held public office, sought to improve connections with Denver so Boulder...

Boulder in 1919

* As reported by F.O. “Rep” Repplier in 1956 The First World War had ended on Nov. 11, 1918, just a few months before Boulder Rotary was founded. A few members had recently returned from service in the war, while others were still away and in uniform. A “war tank” was...